スペースキャンプ 2020年8月
第一回 スペースキャンプ がもうすぐやってきます!すでにご存知の方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、アメリカのロケットセンターにある正式スペースキャンプとパートナーを組み、1週間のプログラムをノーボーダーズのためにご用意頂けることとなりました。保護者(大人)の参加も可能となり、実験をしたり、宇宙飛行士のトレーニングを体験したり、宇宙について学んだり、と様々なアクティビティをします!ノーボーダーズのスタッフ、そして私も同伴します。通訳付きで、英語でも日本語でも楽しんで頂けます。こちらの説明会はすでに実施しており、すでに参加頂いた方で、お申込みをご希望される場合は、校舎までお伝えください。説明会をご希望の方やご質問も校舎までご連絡ください。説明会を設定致します。プログラムへの申し込み期限は3月30日となります。こちらはカスタムメイドのプログラムとなるため、最少催行人員が必要となります。

Family Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center on Thursday, Dec. 22. 2016 in Huntsville, Ala. (Eric Schultz / Rocket City Photo)

Family Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center on Thursday, Dec. 22. 2016 in Huntsville, Ala. (Eric Schultz / Rocket City Photo)

Family Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center on Thursday, Dec. 22. 2016 in Huntsville, Ala. (Eric Schultz / Rocket City Photo)
Dear Parents,
Our first SPACE CAMP IN AMERICA is coming soon, and I could not be more excited! As you may have heard, we have partnered with the official Space Camp at the U.S Space and Rocket Center in the USA for a week-long program that is only offered for No Borders students and their family and friends. Parents are welcome to join and participate and we will do experiments, train like astronauts and learn about space and many exciting topics! It is a custom curriculum designed for us! No Borders staff and I will be going so we will be translating the entire course so parents and students can have fun in English and
Japanese! We have already had many information meetings about this. If you have attended one and are ready to sign up, please notify your school manager as soon as possible. If you need more information or missed our information meeting, please contact your school manager and we can organize another time for you. You don’t want to miss out on this awesome event. Please contact and sign up with your school manager soon. The deadline is March 30th for applications! This is a private event for our students from Japan, so minimum numbers are required.
See you in space!