Weekly Online Lessons Feedback オンラインレッスン内容報告

Week 1 – April 13-17 2020年4月13日~17日


After School: アフタースクール     

ASP Classes – Kinder: 園児クラス

Fun English

  • What a great week! I’ve had so much fun teaching everyone so far. During the week we got to meet our new friends from Happy Valley, Kinka, Pinka, Billy and Betty. Everyone enjoyed practicing colors, shapes, days of the week and more. Many of the students got an opportunity to answer questions and be spotlighted throughout the lesson. The main focus of this week was introductions. Students were able to practice asking and answering “what’s your name!” We are learning many new songs including the Rainbow song, weather song and counting 1 to 5. Next week will start doing bookwork. The bookwork includes fun activities like coloring, singing and sticking fun stickers. See you next week ! Teacher John



教科書 Happy Valley の Kinka, Pinka, Billy, Betty という新しい仲間たちに会いました。色、形、曜日を学びました。皆さんの多くが、私からの質問に答えることができ、オンラインレッスンでスポットライトを浴びる機会が得られました。


来週は宿題もワークブックも始まりますよ!色ぬり、歌、シール貼り付けなどの楽しいステッカーが含まれます。ではまた来週 !



Discover English

  • Thank you for joining us for our on-line lessons this week. It was great to see a lot of smiling faces during the lessons.  Everyone did so well! We learned some vehicle vocabulary, we learned and reviewed some colors, and we studied some phonics.  To make the lessons enjoyable we are using the Happy Valley textbooks, story books, videos, fingerplays, and games. Please join in, and we will do our best to get everyone involved.  We will also continue to work hard to make sure that we all have lots of fun while learning English. -Mike



みんな元気でした!いくつかの動く乗り物や色の語彙の紹介に始まり、フォニックスを学習しました。Happy Valley の教科書、物語の本、ビデオ、手遊び、ゲームを通して、レッスンを楽しむことができました。




Explore English

  • Let’s start by giving yourself a big pat on the back! Everyone did an amazing job during the first week of online lessons. This week we got to explore and enjoy breakfast with all of our Happy Valley friends. During our lesson we got to learn about yummy foods and foods that we can enjoy during breakfast time. In the breakfast time story Kinka and Pinka were in the kitchen enjoying tasty foods.We also learned about what we do in the morning like “brush your teeth”, “comb your hair” and “eat breakfast”. Some fun songs and games were included in this week like the ‘hello hello’ song, ‘what do you do in the morning’ song and the ‘I don’t like pizza pancakes’ song were we learned how to say “I like/don’t like”. Let’s continue to have fun throughout these remaining online lessons! See you soon boys and girls! -John and Mike


今週は、教材のHappy Valleyに出てくる登場人物と一緒に朝食について学びました。おいしい食べ物、朝食時に楽しめる食べ物が出てきましたよ。朝食の時間の話では、KinkaとPinkaがキッチンで美味しい料理を楽しんでいましたね。他にも、「歯磨き」「髪をとかす」「朝食を食べる」など、朝にすることなども学びました。 

「Hello, Hello!」の歌、「What do you do in the mornign? 朝はどうする」の歌、「I don’t like pizza pancakes ピザのパンケーキは好きじゃない」の歌など、楽しい曲やゲームが今週含まれていました。




Kinder Optional

  • Our first lesson was very successful! During our phonics portion of the class, we studied vocabulary that contains a short “a” vowel sound. We played games related to this sound and students worked hard to write in their textbooks. During the speaking part of class, students watched a puppet story of two characters who were new students. The characters demonstrated a conversation, and then our students were able to make conversation with the teacher live online! The students seemed to really enjoy that! Lastly, we talked about days and months all together. It was a great time! -Nate


フォニックスの部分では、短母音 ”a” を含む語彙を学習しました。この短音に関連付けたゲームをし、書く練習をみんなで頑張りました。





ASP Classes – Elementary: 小学生クラス


  • Hello everybody! 


Thank you very much for joining us this week. I and Bubu had a lot of fun seeing you online. I hope it was as fun for you as it was for us. 

This week we focused on the letters Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo and Uu and their anchor words apple, elephant, igloo, octopus and umbrella. 

We learned how to ask and answer the question “what’s your name?” and say “nice to meet you”

We sang a song and did some dictation as well. 

Kids did a wonderful job. They worked hard to write in their textbooks. We are so happy that everyone participated well! Great job! 

It would be great if you could review unit 1 on new finding out class books and do pages 3, 4 and 5 on your home books. 

Thank you everyone. See you next week!  -Sam




「What’s your name? あなたの名前は?」という質問の答え方を学びました。 「Niec to meet you, はじめまして」と言って、私たちは歌を歌い、いくつかのディクテーションを行いました。


New Finding Outの教科書ユニット1を復習し、ホームワークブックで3、4、5ページをやってもらえたら嬉しいです。





  • Our first online class for Elementary Standard was very good and we were happy to see many of the same students joining us all week for this lesson. We took a look in our NFO class book and listened to the characters in the story speak. We found out where the characters lived. Then each student talked about where they live. Next we studied colors and animals. Students did a wonderful job identifying both! Students also worked hard to write in their textbooks on page 10, and we are so happy that everyone participated well! Great work, everyone! -Nate

Elementary Standardの最初のオンラインクラスはとても順調でした!多くの生徒さんがこのレッスンに毎週参加してくれてとても嬉しかったです。

その後はNational Geographicsの本を見て、ストーリーの登場人物の話に耳を傾け、彼らがどこに住んでいるのかきちんと理解した後、彼らがその場所について話しました。

そして色と動物について学びました。みんなとてもよく理解していましたよ。教科書 10ページに一生懸命書いてくれています。みんなも意欲的に参加してくれてとても嬉しいです!





  • This has been a fantastic first week for online lessons in our Elementary Intermediate class. We began our lesson with the grammar “what is it? It’s a” by using a fun drawing game, with lots of silly drawings! Then we jumped through time as we learned about different greetings in English, “good morning”, “good afternoon”, “good evening”, and good night”. We even had a fun ukulele singalong using a greetings song! We finished out our lesson with some writing, and the students did a great job using their phonics to write out the sentences “what is it? It’s a ____”. I’ll see you next time, and have a great time with your English learning at home! Teacher Ian

Elementary Intermediate Class は上出来な初回週オンラインレッスンとなりました! 

「それは何ですか?」”What is it?” という文法から始まりました。面白い絵が(中にはちょっとおバカなものも!)たくさん登場した、絵描きゲームを通して、単語導入をしました。その後「おはよう」「こんにちは」「こんばんは」「おやすみなさい」など、挨拶を学びました。楽しくウクレレに合わせて」挨拶の歌」を合唱しました!

レッスン最後にはライティングをしています。”What is it? It is a _______” の対話文章をフォニックスを使って書く練習をしています。





  • It was great meeting everyone in this week’s first online “Plus” class!  We went over a lot of phrases related to our daily activities, including getting up, going for walks, and so on.  We played a fun team game as well, with two teams competing to guess the sentences they learned through hidden pictures!  I had a great time with everyone, and look forward to seeing everyone again next week! -Kurt







Elementary Optional

  • It was a lot of fun seeing you all this week. We read the first passage from our Explore Reading book, and answered some questions about it. The theme of the reading was the word chat. We then did some activities to learn about the differences between nouns and verbs. We learned that verbs are things that we can do, and nouns are things we can hold, but that we can’t do. For example, you can cry, but you can’t “sunglasses.” We also had a lot of fun talking. We talked about what food we could eat every day if we had a magic fridge. See you next week! -Kori


Explore Reading教材の最初の部分を読み、それに関するいくつかの質問に答えました。今回のリーディングのテーマは、”Chat”(おしゃべりする)という単語でした。






ASP Classes – Advanced

Advanced 1A

  • It was nice meeting you all for the Elementary Advanced 1A class!  This week we reviewed words for different family relationships, like “aunt”, “uncle,” “brother”, and so on.  And even though we’re all spending more time at home, we went over some useful classroom language that will help us in our virtual lessons as well!  And through our learning together, we played plenty of games to keep it fun for everyone, including Simon Says, Charades, and different kinds of team guessing games!  -Kurt

Elementary Advanced 1Aのオンラインレッスンでお会いできて嬉しかったです。


家で過ごす時間が増えている中ではありますが、バーチャルレッスンにも役立つ教室内にある便利な言語を学びました。一緒に学んだことで、”Simon Says”のゲーム、シャレード、さまざまな種類のチーム当てゲームなど、誰もが楽しめるようにたくさんのゲームで楽しみました!



Advanced 1B

  • It was nice meeting you all for Elementary Advanced 1B. This week, we learned the words for different family relationships, like “aunt,” “uncle,” “son,” and “daughter.” For phonics, we studied R-blends, including “br-” “pr-” and “tr-” by playing a matching game. We also practiced using the words “his” and “her” using a guessing game. See you next week! Kori


    Elementary Advanced 1Bの皆さん、オンラインレッスン参加ありがとうございます!


    フォニックスでは、「br-」「pr-」「tr-」などの rの音のブレンドを学び、マッチングゲームをして理解を深めました。また、Guessing Game (推測ゲーム)を通して「He」「She」単語を使ってさらに練習しました。





    Advanced 2A

    • This has been a fun and exciting first week in our online lessons for our Advanced 2A class. We learned about pronouns with a fun memory game, as the students had to remember what their friends said before them. “His favorite animal is a panda. My favorite animal is a tiger. Her favorite animal is a tiger. My favorite animal is a cat!” The students were enthusiastic about showing their math skills in English, solving some difficult addition problems with lightning speed! Everyone showed off their reading comprehension skills as we learned about spider webs. And we tested our observation skills with some fun “awareness tests”. It was a fantastic time this week, and I’m looking forward to next week! See you next time! Teacher Ian


    Advanced 2Aクラスのオンラインレッスンの初回週は非常に楽しく、そして刺激的でした!

    まずは記憶ゲームで代名詞について学びました。生徒たちは友達の前で言ったことを覚えておく必要があり、 「彼の好きな動物はパンダです。私の好きな動物はトラです。彼女の好きな動物はトラです。私の好きな動物は猫です!」などと、盛り上がりました。






    Advanced 2B

    • It was fun seeing you this week! We practiced using adverbs of frequency, like “sometimes” and “often.” We also practiced some vocabulary, including “take photos” and “ride a horse.” We reviewed some sight words, including  “after,” “again,” “any,” and “all.” And we did some reading, using a passage called “About Money.” It was fun seeing everybody again. Can’t wait to see you all next week! Kori


    「Sometimes」や「often」など、頻度の副詞を使って練習しました。 「take photos 写真を撮る」「ride a horse 馬に乗る」などの語彙も練習しました。 「after」「again」「any」「all」など、いくつかのサイトワードを確認しました。そして、「About Money お金について」という一節を使って読書をしました。

