Weekly Online Lessons Feedback オンラインレッスン内容報告

Week 5 May 11th-15th 2020511~15

After School: アフタースクールコース


Fun English

Hey everyone! You are all doing so great. I’d once again like to thank all the Mums and Dads out there helping during the lessons. Finally we are through the first unit of Happy Valley!! Congratulations!! Usually this is a once a week class but I’m so happy to see everyone coming as much as they can. This week we started doing some more counting and did so well during phonics time. Next week we’ll be learning some new content including, new phonics letters, new songs, new stories and more. I look forward to seeing everyone there and can’t wait to learn and play in English. See you next week, have a great weekend. Teacher John 


みなさん、こんにちは!みんなとてもよくできましたね。保護者の皆さんの温かいサポートにもう一度感謝します。やっとHappy Valleyの最初のユニットが終了しました!!おめでとう!!通常は週に1回のクラスですが、たくさんの友達が参加してくれているのを本当に嬉しく思います。今週は数の数え方を練習したり、フォニックスを上手に練習しました。来週は、新しいフォニックスのアルファベット、新しい歌、新しい物語など、新しいコンテンツがいくつかあります。皆様とお会いして、一緒に英語で学び、遊ぶのが楽しみです!また来週お会いしましょう。良い週末をお過ごしください。


Discover English

It was another fun time with everyone in class.  It’s really great seeing everyone participate in class.  This week we had a really fast paced class.  The kids did really well with the Unit 1 vocabulary.  They also continue to do well with the sounds.  I was really impressed with how many kids were doing the simple reading of “pab” and “bap”.  In the books this week, we used our vehicle stickers to complete the picture in the student book, and we colored by beginning sounds in the phonics book.  As usual, we also had a lot of fun getting out of our seats and doing some physical activities like jumping, skipping, and riding a horse.  It was also great seeing everyone looking for something that smells good.  I could really tell that the kids were listening well. -Mike


みんなで一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしました。大勢の参加があって本当に嬉しいです。今週は全体てきにみんな進むペースが大変早かったです!ユニット1の語彙を大変よく習得していて、発音も大変上手です。 「pab」と「bap」と、読み分けできているのを見て大変驚きました。今週の本では、車のステッカーを使ってStudent Bookの絵を完成させ、フォニックスの本には色を付けをしました。いつものように、席から降りたり、ジャンプしたり、スキップしたり、馬に乗ったりといった身体を使ったアクティビティを楽しめましたね!良いにおいがするものをみんなが探しているのも楽しかったです。皆さんがよく聞いていることが大変よく分かりました。 



Explore English

Congratulations on finishing Unit one of Happy Valley 3! I’m so happy to see everyone doing so well and think you are all doing a great job! Keep it up! This week we continued on with Unit 1 and practiced the ‘What do you do in the morning’ song and even tried to make pizza to the pizza dough song, mmm yummy. Don’t forget we also talked about passing things at the breakfast table, can you remember? 

“Pass the butter please” “here you are” “thank you”

Can you remember all the vocabulary or the phrases? If not, don’t be afraid to listen to the Happy Valley CD’s, they are a great resource and can be used at any time.

Let’s make some wonderful memories next week, see you soon!

-John and Mike


Happy Valley3のユニット1をみごと終了しました!皆さんが一生懸命取り組んでいるのを見て、とても嬉しいです!これからも頑張って続けよう!今週はユニット1の「What do you do in the morning? 朝何をする?」という歌を練習し、「Pizza Dough ピザ生地」の曲に合わせてピザを作ってみました。朝食のテーブルで何かをとってあげることについても話し合いましたね、「Pass the butter please, バターをとってください」「Here you are どうぞ」「Thank you ありがとう」覚えていますか?すべての語彙やフレーズを覚えていない時は、Happy Valley CDを聞いてみてくださいね。大変便利なので、ぜひご活用ください。来週もまた素敵な思い出を作りましょう。ではまた!



Kinder Optional

Hi, everyone! Our phonics portion of the class this week was lots of fun again as we looked at short “o” vowel sounds. Students were introduced to this sound, vocabulary associated with the short “o” vowel sound, and practiced identifying vocabulary with this vowel sound. We also reviewed past vowel sounds to ensure students are remembering them and making clear distinctions between each vowel sound we’ve studied. Everyone participated well and their writing practice looked great. Our speaking and conversation portion of the class was full of energy and all the students participated well! The characters, Sami and Bob, showed us how to make conversation and students followed their example. We had a great time practicing conversation with each other and practiced identifying emotions that people visually express on their faces. We, of course, reviewed the calendar and had students work hard to identify days of the week and months of the year! Thanks for your hard work, everyone! – Nate




ASP Classes – Elementary:



Hello! Sam here. I hope you had a wonderful Golden Week. I am excited to see you again and to enjoy time with you. I hope you had as much fun as I did! This week we reviewed the letters Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu as well as Bb, Dd, Cc, Tt and Gg and their anchor words. We tried to read words beginning with those letters but that was a little hard. We will try it again in the future when we get more practice.  We sang many songs like the colors song and How are you today. We practiced writing the phonics words on our textbooks and our notebooks. We also went through numbers from 1 to 20 as well as different colors. I asked the kids about the names, age, favorite colors, feelings… I was very impressed that most of the kids could answer all my questions. Great work kids.

See you next week. I’ll be waiting for you. -Sam


こんにちは!サムです!楽しいゴールデンウィークが過ごせたことを願います。また皆さんに会えてとても嬉しかったです。みんなも楽しんでくれたといいな!今週は、AaEeIiOoUuBbDdCcTtGg の文字と、各々のアンカーワードを確認しました。これらの文字から始まる単語を読んでみようとチャレンジしましたが、ちょっと難易度が高かったようです。もっと慣れてきたらまたやってみましょう。今日は色の塗りソングや「How Are You? お元気ですか?」などの、たくさんの歌を歌いました。教科書とノートにフォニックスの単語を書く練習をしました。また、1から20までの数字とさまざまな色を使用してみました。名前、年齢、好きな色、気持ちなどをみなさんに聞いてみたところ、ほとんどが質問に答えてくれたのには感心しました。とってもよくできたね!また来も待っています! 




Hi, everyone! We had a great week and I appreciate everyone’s hard work! We began class by practicing light conversation together before diving into the lesson. This week we looked at vocabulary words by completing a word search together in the Home Book on page five. Next, students discussed animals that they like before moving onto practicing numbers by counting animals. Students practiced identifying and pronouncing nonsense words, which helps them become better readers. Our writing practice then focused on the “You are ___” sentence form. Students worked in their textbooks to complete the writing exercise associated with different characters in the book on page seven of the Home Book. Everyone performed well and had fun! Thanks for your hard work, everyone! – Nate


皆さんこんにちは!大変よくできた1週間でした。皆さんの努力に感謝します。今回は、レッスンに入る前に、一緒に簡単な会話を練習しました。今週は、ホームブックの5ページで一緒に単語検索をし、語彙を調べました。好きな動物について話し合ったあとに、動物の数えて数字の練習をしました。ナンセンスな単語の識別と発音練習もしました。次に、ライティング練習では、「You Are___あなたは___」という文章形式を練習しました。ホームブックの7ページにあるさまざまなキャラクターに関連するライティングの練習を完了させています。みんな元気で楽しかったです!皆さん、お疲れ様でした! 





Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Golden Week! We jumped back into our lessons with some great conversation, using questions like “what did you do today?” and “what is your favorite sport?” Then, after some phonics review, we played a great conversation game where each student had to say something they can do, and something the person before them can do. The students showed off their great reading skills in a story about a gorilla and an ant, then we played another game where the students asked “can you” questions – they got one point if they got a “yes I can” answer! Finally, we practiced our writing skills with the phrase “what are they? They are _____s.” We had a lot of fun this week and spoke a lot of English. I’m looking forward to next week! Ian


皆さんこんにちは!楽しくゴールデンウィークを過ごせたことを願います。 「What did you do today? 今日何をしましたか?」「What is your favorite sport? 好きなスポーツは何ですか?」といった質問を交え、会話練習でレッスンがスタートしました。続いてフォニックスの復習をしました。会話ゲームでは、各自が「できること」、そしてその次に話す人は自分の前の人が何をできる、と言っていたかを述べてから自分のことを言う、という充実した内容のものにチャレンジしました。さらに、ゴリラとアリの出てくる物語について読解力を披露し合いました。そして、「Can you~ ○○ができる?」の質問をし合う別のゲームをし、答えが「YesI can!できるよ!」の答えが出るたびに1ポイントをゲットしました!最後に「What are they? それれは何ですか?」「They are ○○です」という表現でライティングスキルを練習しました。今週はとても楽しく、また英語をたくさん話しました。来週もまた楽しみです!




Hi, everyone! We had a great lesson this week and students performed well. We began by making conversation and introducing ourselves to each other. It was nice to meet everyone! Students discussed morning activities and how they get ready everyday. They then identified scenes depicting morning activities and did a great job! After that, we moved onto afternoon activities. Students followed along in their textbooks and saw what the characters in their books do during the afternoon. We also looked at the interior of a house and examined all the different rooms that might be in a house. Students then shared what kind of rooms they had in their houses. For writing, students identified activities the characters in their books were doing and filled in the blanks. Everyone worked hard and I appreciate that! Thank you! – Nate





Elementary Optional

It was another great week! This week, we read about hot dogs, and where the name hot dogs comes from. We really enjoyed the drawings in the book, they looked very funny! We practiced our reading comprehension skills, including pronouns like “it” and “he.” We learned some new vocabulary, including “bun” and “cartoon.” We also discussed both the details and the main idea of what we read. After that, we read chapter 2 of The Princess in Black. In our grammar section, we continued to study nouns. We learned that nouns can be people, places and things. Thanks for the great week! I’ll see you again on Tuesday! – Kori


今週も楽しく過ごせました!今週は、ホットドッグ、そしてその名前の由来について説明しました。本にある絵がとっても面白かったですね! 「it」や「he」などの代名詞を含む読解力を鍛えました。 「bun」や「cartoon 」など新しい語彙を学びました。また、読んだ内容の詳細やコンセプトを話し合いました。その後、「The Princess in Black」の第2章を読みました。文法のセクションでは、名詞の勉強を引き続き行っています。人、場所、物である可能性があることを学びました。楽しい週をありがとう!火曜日にまたお会いしましょう! 




ASP Classes – Advanced


Advanced 1A

This week, we reviewed grammar for the present progressive and first person plural in the Our World 2 textbooks page 16 and 17, and used words from the previous week to talk about actions we might do in class together. We also did some listening/dictation practice with those pages, and also played some fun team games competing to see who could spot missing art in them!  On page 18 of the same book, we drew pictures of activities we did with people in our lives, and wrote sentences about them in our journals.  We also played a game that taught us some new pirate words (such as “eyepatch” and “hook”) and read a story book together that talked about pirates’ life in the past. Our homework for this week were pages 7 and 8 in the Workbook; there’s a portion that uses the CD, so make sure to ask your school for a link to the audio files if you don’t have it! -Kurt


今週は、Our World 216,17ページで一人称複数の現在進行形な複数の文法を復習しました。先週学んでいる単語を使って、クラスの中でみんなとどんなことを行うか、について話しました。このページを活用してリスニング/ディクテーションの練習も行い、なくなっているアートを見つられるのは誰かを競う楽しいチームゲームもしました!同本の18ページでは、人生の中で誰かとしたアクティビティの絵を描き、それについての日記をジャーナルに書いていきました。海賊にまつわる新しい単語(「アイパッチ」や「フック」など)が分かるゲームをしたり、海賊の過去の人生についてを語った物語を一緒に読んだりもしました。今週の宿題は、ワークブックの78ページです。 CDを使用する部分があるので、お持ちでない場合はオーディオファイルへのリンクを依頼してください。



Advanced 1B

Thank you for another fun week! This week, we talked about our favorite foods, and what we would put in a magic refrigerator. Then, we practiced using pronouns like “his” and “her” by listening to a story about pirates. After that, we practiced our phonics skills by trying to write down silly, made-up words like “prittle,” “groff,’ and “drap.” We also learned a few countries, including Poland, Kenya, England and America. We looked at what real cities in each country looked like. After that, we read a passage about two sisters. One sister likes to be quiet, and the other likes to be noisy. We talked about whether we like to be noisy or quiet. See you again next week! – Kori


楽しい一週間をありがとう!今週は、好きな食べ物、魔法の冷蔵庫に何を入れるかについて話しました。その後は、海賊の話を聞きながら、「He 彼」や「She 彼女」などの代名詞を使って練習しました。その後、「Prittle」「groff」「drap」のようなでっちあげた言葉を書いて、フォニックスの応用練習をしました。ポーランド、ケニア、イギリス、アメリカなど、いくつかの国も学びました。各国の都市が実際どのようなものかを見てみました。その 1人は静かになりたい、もう1人は騒々しくなりたい、二人の姉妹についての一節を読みました。また来週お会いしましょう! 



Advanced 2A

Hey everyone! It’s been another fun week this week. Our focus was on our daily schedules, and what we do before and after different parts of our days. We started off by playing some fun games, like a polite version of Simon Says called “please”, and the students made quizzes about things they had in their room. We read about taking care of animals, and wrote sentences about using “before” and “after “ before the students asked each other questions about their days. We finished off our class by learning about the ways animals can help us by discussing some interesting videos. It’s been a great week and I’m looking forward to our next class! Ian


みなさん、こんにちは!また楽しい一週間でしたね。今回のポイントは、「毎日のスケジュール」と「一日の中で日々何を行うか」でした。まずみんなが良く知る「Simon Says」のゲームの「Please」バージョンをやってみました。各々の部屋にあるアイテムについてクイズを出しました。動物の世話について読みました。また、「Befpre 前」と「After 後」を使って、互いに質問し合って文章を書きました。クラス最後には、人間を助けることのできる動物、そしてそれはどんな方法で?という内容のビデオを見て話し合いをしました。とてもよくできました。次のクラスを楽しみにしています!


Advanced 2B

Thank you for another fun week! This week, we wrote about someone important to us. After that, we reviewed nouns and verbs by building silly sentences. Next, we learned a lot of new vocabulary, including “archery,” “bow,” “arrow,” “pottery,” and “binoculars.” We reviewed phonics by playing a phonics board game. We focused on the long and short “a” sounds using the magic “e.” Finally, we read a passage about solids and liquids. We learned that solids don’t change their shapes, but liquids don’t have a shape. It was great talking to everyone. See you again next week! – Kori 


