Weekly Online Lessons Feedback オンラインレッスン内容報告

Week 1 – April 18 2020年4月18日

Saturday School: サタデースクール

Saturday Course


Saturday – Kinder Basic

  • Thank you everyone for dancing, singing, reading, and being patient with us today! Everyone was so energetic, even with the slight internet issues we had. Today we practiced a, b, c, f, and t phonetically, while also learning words that started with the same letter and phonetic sound (ie cat and fish). We also learned the sight words, “there,” “where,” “behind,” and “under.” Moreover, we reviewed the colors yellow, purple, gray, orange, blue, black, and pink. Additionally, we learned rooms in the house, like bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. The students knew the family members very well (ie daddy, mommy, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, Ana, and Sam). We also read some of the book, Sam’s Magic House. Thanks again for joining us and we look forward to seeing everybody next week! -Sam and Lucas



今日は、a、b、c、f、t を音声で練習し、同じ文字と音声で始まる単語(cat, fish)、また、「there」、「where」、「behind」、「under」という視覚の言葉、黄色、紫、灰色、オレンジ、青、黒、ピンクの色を復習、さらに、寝室、リビングルーム、ダイニングルーム、キッチン、バスルームなど、家の中の部屋についても学習、とてんこ盛りでした。生徒さんは家族の呼び方パパ、ママ、姉、兄弟、おばあちゃん、おじいちゃん、など)をよく知っていました。Sam’s Magic Houseという本も読みましたよ。





Saturday – Kinder Upper

  • Thank you all for joining us online today.  It was wonderful to see you all smiling and joining in with our activities.  Today we practised introducing ourselves, and we learned some insect names. We reviewed colors and you did a wonderful job finding orange and green things to share with the class.  We practised letters A, B, C, F and T. We also practised feelings, prepositions and counting. We are looking forward to seeing you again next week. -Eric and Emily







Saturday – Elementary Basic

  • Today was our first online class, and we were so happy that all of you were able to join us! Today we went through: our numbers from 1-20, some key vocabulary (dog, cat, gorilla, tiger, book) and reading some words using phonics (cup, big, bag, kick, egg) as well as going over our vowel sounds (a,e,i,o,u). We read through a story together, and also went on an adventure of our own to the beach! Everyone helped to tell the story together. We also did a lot of show and tell today, so thank you to everyone who showed us something, we really enjoyed seeing all of your things. To finish off we played some English songs that everyone knows and danced along. Thank you for all of your energy today everyone, and we look forward to seeing you next time!         -Jackie and Nadia




今日は1から20までの数字、語彙(犬、猫、ゴリラ、トラ、本)とフォニックス(cup, big, bag, kick, egg)を使用して単語を読み、母音について学びました(a、e、i、o、u)。






Saturday – Elementary Upper

  • We were really happy to meet everybody after this long break, and it was exciting to see some new faces. Our first day was based on reviewing the colors, numbers, phonics, animals, shapes, etc. We started with introductions, weather, and played a phonics flashcard memory game. We played an “I Spy” game to find patterns and objects, and we had a lot of fun refining our writing and drawing skills. We read our first story in our “Think, Read, Write” book, and asked questions about the story. We also reviewed dialogue from our “Let’s Go” student book. At the end of the day, we taught the game ‘charades’ where the students guessed what the teaching was acting out based on our phonics flashcards. The students were excellent at reading, writing, and speaking today! Looking forward to next week. – Matt & Carly




最初の日は、色、数、フォニックス、動物、形を学びました。自己紹介、天気から始めて、フォニックスのフラッシュカード記憶ゲームをしました。パターンとアイテムを見つけるために「スパイ」ゲームをし、ライティングと絵を描くスキルを磨きました。「Think、Read、Write」の本でストーリーを読み、それについて質問しました。また「Let’s Go」の会話についても触れています。





Saturday – Advanced

  • This has been the first online class for Advanced Saturday kids. We talked quite about families in the morning. The kids discussed what they think makes a family and things they do with their family.  Everyone also did a little bit of an impromptu “show and tell” with pictures of their families. It was super fun! We also learned about the daily routine of each kid or the family routine. We were very happy with all the conversation with the students and how engaged with the topics and the games they were. It was also great to see everyone interacting with eah other during the lessons and even between the lesson times.  We’re glad that they could spend some time with their friends during this time. The kids also did super well with the writing activities and the phonics activities. We sure had a lot of fun today and we hope you did too. We are looking forward to seeing everyone for our next saturday online lesson! – Mike and Christy




家族が何を作ると思うか、家族と一緒に何をするかについて話し合ってくれました。また、家族の写真を使って、即興の「Show and Tell」も行いましたが、とても楽しかったです!また、それぞれの日常生活や家族の生活についても学びました。


