Weekly Online Lessons Feedback オンラインレッスン内容報告

Week 1 May 9th 202059

Saturday School: サタデスクールコース


Saturday – Kinder Basic

皆さん、ゴールデンウィーク明けのレッスンにようこそ!ゆっくり休めたことを望みます。今週は、「Baby Shark」や「How Old Are You?」など、馴染み深い曲を歌ってウォーミングアップをしました。新しくジャンピングジャックの曲も導入して運動もしました。次に、本から学ぶ時間では、キャラクター(サム、おばあちゃんなど)と色々な部屋(バスルーム、キッチンなど)を確認しました。フォニックスは abcftとアンカーワード(アナ、カブトムシ、猫、魚、カメ)を使って、ライティングとスピーキングで練習していきました。今週は、アンカーワードをジェスチャーで表すことによって、シャレードも紹介しました。その後、お互いに挨拶し「お元気ですか?」と尋ねて答えました。また、自分の家族を紹介しました。「これは私の(ママ)です。」といったようにです。また、「ベッドの下」といった、場所の説明をする前置詞の練習もしました。サムズマジックハウスの5ページに家族を書き始めていますが、ホームワークとして仕上げてくださいね。


Welcome back after Golden Week everybody! I hope everyone had a restful holiday. Today, we started off by singing familiar songs to warm up, like “Baby Shark”, and “How Old Are You?”, among others. We also introduced a new jumping jacks song. Next, we jumped back into the book and reviewed the characters (Sam, grandma, etc.) and rooms (bathroom, kitchen, etc.). We continued to practice our phonics letters (a, b, c, f, t) and anchor words (Ana, beetle, cat, fish, turtle) via writing and speaking. We introduced a little bit of charades this week by acting out the anchor words. Later, we greeted each other and asked and answered, “how are you?” The kids also introduced family members of their own; ie: “This is my (mommy).” Students practiced prepositions of places, like “under the bed.” We started drawing our family on p. 5 of Sam’s Magic House, but the kids should finish drawing their own family members for homework. Thanks for joining, and we look forward to seeing everybody next week! -Sam & Lucas



Saturday – Kinder Upper

みなさん、ようこそ!楽しみと昆虫でいっぱいの土曜日でした、ご参加いただきありがとうございます。今日は、たくさんの時間を費やして昆虫の語彙をすべて復習し、名前とAaBbの文字を書いたり、いくつかの語彙ゲームをプレイしました。朝は感情表現を練習し、ABCのエクササイズをいくつか行っています。体でABCFTの文字を作りましたね。「Jimmy’s Magic House」の本の登場人物達ともとても親しんでいます。昼食後は、動物について学び、「オレンジとクモのどちらが欲しい?」という質問を練習しました。 また、Jimmy’s Magic House10ページを完成させることができました。またどうぞ安全な1週間をお過ごしください。次の土曜日にお会いしましょう!


Welcome back everyone!  Thank you for joining us for another Saturday full of fun and bugs. Today we spent lots of time reviewing all of our insect vocabulary, we wrote our names and the letters Aa and Bb and also played a few vocabulary games.  In the morning we practised  feelings and did some ABC exercises- we made the letters A, B, C, F and T with our bodies.  You are all getting very familiar with the story and characters in Jimmy’s Magic House.  After lunch, we learned about animals and also practised the question, “Which do you want, an orange or a spider?”.  We completed page 10 in Jimmy’s Magic House.  Have a safe week and see you all next Saturday!



Saturday – Elementary Basic




It was so good to see all of you after Golden Week! We hope you had a good rest and kept safe. This week we covered numbers and practiced writing them out. We also went over colours, shapes and vocabulary from previous weeks. We did writing practice of all our key vocabulary and used our books to write key phrases, everyone did a great job! We did show and tell, asking everyone to show us their different coloured things, as well as some different shaped things. We also had art class, where we drew things using the prompt of different adjectives, we covered: cool, cute, scary. Then we went to the forest and met Little Red Kitty Hood and helped her find her Grandma! Thank you to everyone who helped us. We hope you enjoyed our session this week and we hope to see you next time! Well done to everyone for putting in a great effort. Jackie and Nadia



Saturday – Elementary Upper




It was great to see everyone back from Golden Week. We asked questions about how they spent their break, and re-introduced ourselves as we had new students join us this week. We began with conversation practice, self-introductions, and we traveled to different locations to discuss the weather. We talked about clothing, and what we were wearing, followed by phonics memory cards. Later, we played a drawing game where Matt drew a picture, and the students wrote down the name of the drawing. We reversed the game into listening practice by describing a flashcard, and having the student draw the description. After lunch, we shared and described objects around the house and played a game that combines listening, speaking, and writing; the children chose a category and the difficulty level of the question, and everybody had to write the answer in their notebooks. We read a story about camping, and later designed our own story as a group. It was a great class, and we look forward to next week!  Matt and Carly



Saturday – Advanced




It was great seeing all the kids after Golden Week! Hoping you guys had an awesome week full of fun activities at home! Today we did our usual greeting, some stretching, and talked about our Golden Week holidays. The kids were very good with asking questions to each other, which was great! We learned about what Chinese New Year is and how it is celebrated. We showed a video about this and we discussed the similarities with how New Year is celebrated in Japan. Afterward the kids wrote down some things they do to celebrate New Year with their family.. Playing a vocabulary game where we had them guess what Christy was acting out was another activity the kids enjoyed doing today! Learning which plural nouns end in s or es went really well, and we could see that the kids understood the concept! As a little show and tell, everyone found something that related to something they celebrated with their family.  It was really interesting to hear what everyone had to say. Near the end of class we did a little bit of reading with Ook and Gluk, a funny story which they all like, but remains a challenge to do online. We finished off class with a fun follow the teacher’s commands activity.  Good job everyone! -Mike and Christy