Weekly Online Lessons Feedback オンラインレッスン内容報告・学習予定

 May 18th-22th 2020518~22

Kinder Course: キンダーガーデンコース



Kinder Course – K1


Thank you for such a fun week! There were so many fun things that we saw and did together. We continued our studies in phonics with the letters Hh and Ii. We learned some words that start with Hh and Ii, like “house, heart, horse, igloo, iguana, and ink.” We practiced saying the sounds of the letters, and we tried tracing and writing them. In math, we studied the number 1, and we also learned about the biggest and the smallest. We had fun counting with Bubu too. We also had a lot of fun with our special activities. Camping Day was a lot of fun, when we went fishing and made s’mores. We also had fun making different kinds of toast, building a puppet, and using scissors to make a tree. It was so fun seeing so many people follow along and try the many different activities at home. Please keep sharing your videos and pictures with us! Thank you! Kori and Sam


楽しい一週間をありがとうございまいsた!共有した楽しいことがたくさんありました。フォニックスは Hh と Ii を続けました。 「家、心、馬、イグルー、イグアナ、インク」など、HhIiで始まる単語をいくつか学んだほか、音を発音練習をし、なぞり書きをしました。算数では、1について学び、最大と最小についても学習しました。ブブとの数かぞえも楽しく行いました。Special Activity も大変楽しかったです。キャンプに行き、釣りに行ったりと、キャンプデーは大成功に終わりました。また、さまざまな種類のトーストを作ったり、人形を作ったり、ハサミを使って木を作ったりすることも楽しみました。みんなと一緒に、各々の家であれこれ試してもらっているのを見るのはとても楽しかったです。皆さんのビデオと写真を共有し続けてください!ありがとうございました!


Hello everyone, we’re looking forward to seeing you again next week! Here’s a preview of some of the things we will do. In phonics, we’ll study Jj and Kk. In math, we’re going to compare things, and say what is the same and what is different. We also have a lot of fun events planned. We’re going to use our mystery seeds, go cave exploring, we’ll try making a salad, we’ll do some finger painting, and we are going to have our birthday party! We have a lot to do, so don’t be late! We’ll see you then! Kori and Sam




フォニックス:Jj Kk











Kinder Course – K2


That sure was a fun week.  We were really happy with everyone’s participation, even on Monday many students were able to find the materials to make the balance. Everyone joined in and put on their favorite sports clothing on dress-up day.  It was really cool to see what the kids picked to wear.  It was also really fun to do healthy and tasty cooking, which everyone could make to their own taste.  All the salads, even the ones that were toy salads, looked amazing.  Furthermore, it was great fun being able to see some of you enjoy the food.  It’s been a while since we have been able to have lunch together.  In phonics we studied the short vowel e.  In math we did longer and shorter and talked about the numbers 5, 6, 7.  We finished off the week with a visit from David, drawing an apple tree, and a volcano that made the floor turn to lava.  Thank you so much for another great week!  -John and Mike


大変楽しい一週間でした。月曜日には、多くのみなさんがバランスをとるためのアイテムを見つけつつ、レッスンに参加できました。ドレスアップの日には、お気に入りのスポーツウェアを着ました。みんなが選んだ服はなかなかかっこよかったですよ。自分の好みに合ったヘルシーで美味しい料理を作るのも楽しかったです。どのサラダも(おもちゃのサラダでも)驚くほど素敵に見えました。さらに、何人かのお友達は実際に料理を楽しんでくれているのを見えてとても楽しかったです。久しぶりに一緒にランチも食べました。フォニックスでは、短母音eを学びました。算数では、長い、短い、に関してに触れ、数字の 567 について学びました。最後はDavid講師の訪問で終わりました。リンゴの木を描き、火山が床を溶岩に変えました。素晴らしい1週間をありがとうございました。


Hello everyone, We’re very excited to begin our last week of online lessons and we hope you are ready for another bunch of fun activities that we’ve planned for you. On Wednesday, we are going to cook some yummy french toast and egg on toast. It’s very simple and all you will need is 2 eggs, mayonnaise, milk and 2 slices of bread . please feel free to cook along with us.  If you have a similar recipe, please feel free to prepare that instead. On Thursday, let’s dress up as animals! You can find printable masks online or get creative and show us your craft skills. On Friday, we have the monthly birthday party, let’s get ready to party! For phonics we’re going to do the short vowel i, and we will try to do short vowel o as well.  In math, let’s work with 7,8, and 9.  Most of all, let’s enjoy our last week as we’ll all be going back to the different schools from June.  -John and Mike













Kinder Course – K3


We had another great week in K3! Following our monthly theme, students learned to sort and categorize foods with carbohydrates and proteins. Students worked hard to identify difficult sets of blend sounds during phonics class and were introduced to pronouns when studying language arts. During art class, students exercised their creativity when drawing pictures of vegetables and foods reimagined as animals. We demonstrated how to make easy no-bake peanut butter oatmeal cookies and had a great time writing in our journals about food. Students also had a great time learning new songs, including “Tingalayo”, and practicing “Where the Green Grass Grows”. Mike appeared as a special guest on Thursday as he sang and danced to “Driving in My Car”, which many of the students enjoyed! Reading focused on “Gregory the Terrible Eater” and role played during science class. We’ve had a great time seeing everyone’s Show and Tell presentations! Overall, it was another fun week and we’re so glad everyone worked hard! Thank you! – Ian and Nate


またしても素晴らしい1週間を過ごしたK3です!月ごとのテーマに沿って、炭水化物とタンパク質で食品を分類することを学びました。フォニックスのクラスでブレンドサウンドのなかなか難しい内容を理解するために一生懸命頑張りました。Language Art に取り組んだ時は、代名詞を紹介。Artの授業では、動物をイメージした野菜や食べ物の絵を描くき、​​みんななかなかの創造力を発揮してました。簡単には焼けないピーナッツバターオートミールクッキーを作る術を紹介し、食べ物に関するジャーナルで素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。また「Tingalayo」などの新しい歌を学び、「Where the Green Grass Grows」の練習もできました。マイク講師が木曜日に特別ゲストとして出演!多くのみんなも楽しんでくれた「Driving in My Car」を歌って踊りました! 「Gregory The Terrible Eater」のストーリーのリーディングと、ロールプレイで楽しみました。みんなのShow and Tellでのプレゼンテーションも素晴らしい時間となりました!全体的に、今週も大変楽しい1週間でした。ありがとうございました!


Hey everyone! It’s our last week of online classes, and we have a great week planned!

On Monday, we’ll have fun with “Hair Day”. Take this opportunity to show off your cool or crazy hairstyle! 

On Tuesday at 12:00, we’ll be doing some cooking, learning about healthy carbohydrates and fats by making some avocado toast. We’d love for you to join in, and make it at the same time as us. If you want to join, the ingredients are:

    • 1 ripe avocado.
    • 2 slices of bread (whole grain is best, but any will work)
    • Olive oil
    • Salt
    • Any extra spices you want to add to your avocado toast!

And you will also need a toaster, and a bowl for mashing the avocado in.

On Wednesday we’ll have a special guest come in. I wonder who it will be!?

On Friday at 12:00 we’ll celebrate the birthdays of May! If you can, please feel free to prepare a snack to eat during our birthday party! 

It looks like a fun week, and I know we’re excited. See you then!


















