- 全生徒様及び当校スタッフは、スクールへ到着後手洗いをするとともに検温を致します。37.5度以上の発熱を確認した場合はご通学頂けません。同様にスタッフも勤務不可と致します。
- 当校設備は清潔を保つため1日につき3回清掃致します。
- 窓を開けるなどの換気を頻繁に行います。
- 流水と石鹸による手洗いを励行してきます。
- 生徒様はマスク着用の上のご通学にご協力ください。
学園長 Kenn Gale
Dear Parents,
In regards to the current situation of the Covid-19 virus and after much consideration and communication with the local government offices and other organizations, No Borders has decided the following course of action to be taken:
- Preschool will remain open with no change. Kids Club will remain the same. Same hours. Same operations. Lunch service will continue
- Kindergarten will remain open with no change. Kids Club will remain the same. Same hours. Same operations. Lunch service will continue (Field trip still cancelled, Graduation is on standby)
- After School Program and Saturday course from March 2nd – 7th will be completely closed. Kinder/Elementary/Grad course and Kids Club for these courses will be closed and adjusted/rescheduled later. We will update all families on Saturday, March 7th about the following week and decide then to open or remain closed.
We have kept the preschool/kindergarten (Nursery Division) of our school open at the request of the local government offices and parents. We want to continue the high standard of education that No Borders offers and we feel we can provide a safe environment for our students.
As far as our After School Program and Saturday course, while we care deeply and want to continue to support our students and families in that important division of our school, we will support the government’s recommendations and close temporarily.
No Borders students and staff are of the highest priority, which is why we will monitor the situation, and if there are any changes with Covid-19, we might take another course of action at any time to ensure safety. Please continue to check our homepage and email for an update. And if at any point you have questions, please do not hesitate to call your school manager directly.
For now, No Borders is instituting the following policies:
- All students and staff will check their temperature and wash their hands upon arrival. Anything above 37.5 will not be permitted.
- Facilities will be cleaned 3 times per day to ensure high levels of sanitation.
- Windows will be opened to allow for circulation.
- Students will wash hands and gargle regularly throughout the day.
- Please encourage your student to wear a mask to school.
We want to support our families during this difficult situation. We also hope there are no new developments. However, at any time, we might make emergency adjustments if we feel necessary to maintain safety for our children. If you would prefer to have your child stay home during this time, then we encourage you to do so and support your decision as a parent. Please just inform us of your decision.
Finally, please remember, this is all precautionary actions. Be safe, take normal safety measures you would with the common cold or flu and hopefully, all this will pass soon as we follow the direction from the government. We are a community here at No Borders and we are in this together.
Please check back at 5pm tomorrow night on the Blog for any changes that may come up in the next 24 hours.
Thank you,
Kenn Gale