Weekly Online Lessons Feedback オンラインレッスン内容報告

May 25th-29th 2020525~29

After School: アフタースクールコース


ASP Classes – Kinder:


Fun English

Congratulations on your wonderful achievement of finishing the 2020 No borders online course!

I had such a wonderful time teaching all of you and I was so happy to see you all enjoying the lessons. I would like to thank everyone for your cooperation in helping to make the class such an enjoyable experience. 


We learnt many new songs and dances and I’m so glad everyone can now dance to the phonics song all by themselves. Don’t forget to use the CDs at home and continue to practice having fun with English. I’m confident everyone can now ask/answer lots of questions like “what is it?”,“what color is it?”,“how’s the weather” and more. The Happy Valley curriculum will continue from Unit 2 week 3 as of Monday June 1st. I’m sure you’re all looking forward to getting back to class, please stay safe and we all look forward to seeing you on Monday in person! 

Teacher John 




新しい曲やダンスをたくさん学びました。フォニックスの歌は、みんな自分で踊れるようになったのでとてもうれしいです。自宅でCDを使用して、ぜひ引き続き楽しんで練習してください。「What is it? これは何ですか?」「What color is it?それは何色ですか?」「How’s the weathter? 天気はどうですか?」などの質問やその解答ができるようになるでしょう!Happy Valleyのカリキュラムは、ユニット2Week3 61日月曜日から継続されます。クラスに戻るのを楽しみにしています。安全にお過ごしください。月曜日以降に各校舎でお待ちしております。



Discover English

Thank you so much everyone for coming to our online lessons in April and May.  It was a really fun experience for me, and it was also so much fun playing with everyone in English.  All of the students were really doing great and joining in all of the activities.  Hopefully everyone had as good of a time as I did.  This week we continued with Unit 2 in Happy Valley.  Everyone was doing much better with the locations vocabulary, even aquarium.  In phonics, we continued to learn about c, g, and o.  The students were also putting letters together to read words very well again. The kids were able to color words by their beginning sounds in their books and match words starting with the same sound. As usual, all the kids were really enjoying getting up out of their chairs to join in acting out verbs, doing fingerplays, and singing songs. -Mike


4月、5月のオンラインレッスンにご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。僕自身とても良い経験となり、英語でみんなと過ごせたのはとても楽しかったです。みんな本当にすごく上手で、アクティビティ全てに大変よく参加してくれました。僕と同じくらい楽しんでくれたと願います。最終週は、Happy Valleyのユニットを使用しました。場所の名前の語彙、ちょっと難しい「水族館」でさえ、みんな大変上手にいきました。フォニックスでは、cgoについて続けました。また、文字をまとめて単語を上手に読む練習をしました。ワークブックでは、最初の音で単語に色を付け、同じ音で始まる単語を一致させることができました。いつものように、皆、椅子から起き上がって動詞を演じたり、指遊びをしたり、歌を歌ったりするのを楽しんでいました。


Explore English

Thank you so much everyone for coming to our online lessons in April and May.  It was a really fun experience for me, and it was also so much fun playing with everyone in English.  All of the students were really doing great and joining in all of the activities.  Hopefully everyone had as good of a time as I did.  This week we continued with Unit 2 in Happy Valley.  This week the kids were energetically answering with “Ok” or “No, thanks” when we said “Let’s (sing, build, dress up, read)”.  Great job!  In phonics the kids did really well with the using the short vowel e to make words.  We also could enjoy some reading, playing, fingerplays, and singing in the course of the class. Thanks again, let’s continue to do our best when we go back to class.  -John and Mike


4月、5月のオンラインレッスンにご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。我々自身、とても楽しい経験となり、英語でみんなと過ごすのはとても楽しかったです。みんな本当にすごく上手で、アクティビティ全てに大変よく参加してくれました。僕と同じくらい楽しんでくれたと願います。最終週は、Happy Valleyのユニットを使用しました。「Let’s sing/build/dress up/read 」と呼びかけると「OK」「No, thank you」と積極的に答えてくれました。フォニックスでは、短母音「e」を使って上手に言葉を作っていました。また、クラスの中で読書、演奏、指遊び、歌を楽しむこともできました。改めまして、感謝致します。クラスに戻っても、引き続きベストを尽くしてくださいね。

Kinder Optional

Our last week of online classes was filled with lots of fun and silliness! During the phonics class, students reviewed the five short vowel sounds we studied over the last few weeks (a, e, i, o, u). I’m satisfied with how most students have been able to accurately identify vocabulary, sounds, and the words associated with them. Students played a game of “What’s missing?” with vocabulary cards, and were able to perform well when seeing both picture and word forms of the lesson content. Students also had more writing practice in this lesson than before, which was hard work. During the speaking and conversation part of this class, students reviewed the conversational phrases and topics we’ve been trying and spent time conversing with the teacher one-on-one, student by student. We talked about our names, ages, feelings, and things we like. When reviewing the calendar, many students demonstrated that they are able to identify specific months by reading the names, which is wonderful to see them doing! Overall, students are progressing well, and while we are sad this online course has ended, we’re very happy that we’ll have the opportunity to see them all at school! Thank you for your support from home, parents! – Nate


先週のオンラインクラスは、楽しみ、おどけて、めいっぱい楽しみました。フォニックスでは、過去数週間にわたって学習した5つの短母音(aeiou)を復習しました。ほとんどの生徒が語彙、音、および関連単語を正確に識別できました!「What’s missing? 何がないかな?」という語彙カードを使ってゲームをしました。学んだ内容の絵と単語の両方を見て、うまくこなしていました。また、今回は以前よりも多くのライティング練習を行いました。スピーキングと会話練習では、今までに学んできたフレーズと会話のトピックを復習し、お友達同士11で会話しました。名前、年齢、気持ち、好きなことについてお互い話しました。カレンダーを確認すると、特定の月を識別できました。全体的に順調に進み、このオンラインコースが終了したことが寂しいですが、これからは校舎で実際にレッスンできることを大変嬉しく思います。ご家族の皆様のサポートに心から感謝します。



ASP Classes – Elementary:

It is our last week of online classes. It’s quite sad to not being able to see many of you on a daily basis as it has been the case these past months. But, I’m sure that you are as excited as me to go back to No Borders and see your friends and teachers and get to play with them in person. 

Our week was, as usual, filled with fun but meaningful activities! We went through the letters Mm, Nn, Pp and Ss and their anchor words mouse, nut, panda and sock. We have also reviewed the letters and words that we previously learned. We practiced writing those letters on our notebooks. I’m genuinely amazed how many of the students can read all those letters and words. You guys are very smart.

We also had many Q/A time going through basic questions like What’s your name? How are you? How old are you? What color/ animal/ food do you like? What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What day is it tomorrow?…

We had the chance to sing many songs and dance a lot. We also played many games.

Overall, I’m very happy with your progress! Thank you mommies and daddies for all the hard work that you put supporting the kids and helping them. See you soon in person – Sam


オンラインクラスの最終週です。ここ2か月間毎週お会いしていたみなさんに会えなくなるのはとても悲しいです。けれど、私どうようにNo Bordersに戻って友達や先生に会い、直接彼らと一緒に遊ぶことに興奮していると思います。

私たちの週は、いつものように、楽しいが有意義な活動でいっぱいでした! MmNnPpSsの文字と、それらのアンカーワードであるマウス、ナッツ、パンダ、靴下を調べました。また、以前に学習した文字や単語も復習しました。私たちはノートにそれらの手紙を書く練習をしました。生徒の何人がそれらの文字や単語をすべて読むことができるか、本当に驚いています。あなたたちはとても賢いです

また、あなたの名前は何ですか?のような基本的な質問をするQ / Aの時間もたくさんありましたお元気ですか?あなたは何歳ですか?あなたはどんな色/動物/食べ物が好きですか?今日は何曜日ですか?昨日は何日でしたか?明日は何の日ですか?





We had a great time with this last online lesson! Students practiced the conversational pleasantries we have been rehearsing every week and reviewed the “Are you a _____?” question form that we learned. Students were introduced to family members in the Oxford Children’s Picture Dictionary textbook before moving on to an activity where students found things around their house, practicing the phrase “I can see ______.” We read the third story in the Fun Phonics Reader textbook and students practiced well. We then summed it all up with some writing reinforcement in the Home Book. Overall, I’m very proud with the students’ participation online and think they are a great group of individuals. Thank you for your hard work and thank you, parents, for your support at home! – Nate


最後のオンラインレッスンは素晴らしい時間となりました!毎週してきた会話を楽しく練習し、「あなたは_____ですか?」を復習しました。オックスフォードの子供向きの絵辞典に出てくる家族のメンバーを見てみた後、各自、家の中で何かを見つけ「______があるのが見えます」というフレーズを練習するアクティビティに進みました。 Fun Phonics Readerの教科書で3番目の物語を読みました。次に、ホームブックのライティングの部分をまとめました。全体として、オンラインに参加してくれた皆さんを大変誇りに思います。とても素晴らしいグループでした。よく頑張りました。ご両親、ご家庭でのサポートありがとうございます! 



Hey everyone! Next week we are back at school, so we had our last online lessons this week! We had a lot of fun and a lot of conversation, talking about the word “want”! We played some guessing games, where the students had to ask what someone wanted to eat, or what someone wanted to do. And they came up with their own sentences using the word want. We did some reading in our phonics readers – focusing on the phrase “are you?” And finally we did some great writing, using the grammar “what is it? It’s a…” It’s been a lot of fun in our online lessons, and I’m very happy with everyone’s performance! Thank you everyone, and we’ll see you at school! Ian




We had a great last week of online classes! This week’s lesson introduced students to sports and the verbs associated with different physical activities. After reviewing the morning and afternoon activities that we studied before, we jumped right into sports. Students practiced using “they” when describing sports and physical activities and identified scenes by describing them. For example, “They are playing basketball.” We all made sure to differentiate the ways in which verbs are used for various physical activities. For example, “They are playing basketball” versus “They are skiing.” Later, students enjoyed a fun activity by drawing something that lives under the sea, and students guessed what their friend drew. We then reinforced the content by writing in the textbook. Overall, the students participated well and progressed well in the content we covered over the last few weeks. Thanks for your hard work everyone! – Nate




Elementary Optional

Thank you so much for joining us during the online lessons. It was a pleasure being your teacher. This week, we continued with our Explore Easy Reading 2 textbook. This week, we covered unit 6. We read the passage about cellular phones, we learned some new vocabulary, including “photos” and “cellular phone.” We also reviewed the pronouns “it” and “she.” After that, we studied a new grammar point. We learned about proper nouns and common nouns. We learned that proper nouns are the names we give to common nouns. We also reviewed irregular past tense forms of verbs. We reviewed “said, took, went, and made.” I hope you had fun, and I look forward to seeing you all back at school next week. Thank you very much! Kori


オンラインレッスンにご参加いただき、本当にありがとうございました。皆さんの担当ができて光栄でした。今週は、Explore Easy Reading 2のテキストを続け、ユニット6について取り上げました。携帯電話に関する文章を読み、「photos 写真」や「cellular phone 携帯電話」などの新しい語彙を学びました。また、代名詞「it」「she」も復習しました。その後、新しい文法ポイントを学習しました。固有名詞と普通名詞について学び、固有名詞は一般名詞に付ける名前であることを習いました。また、動詞の不規則な過去形形についても検討しました。 「saidtook went, made」を復習しました。楽しんで頂けたら幸いです。来週は学校でお会いできることを楽しみにしています。どうもありがとうございました!

ASP Classes – Advanced

Advanced 1A 

This week we talked about being “neat” and “messy” at school and at home, using Our World 2’s page 23 for inspiration to write in our journals.  We also reviewed page 20, and learned more about paper art from around the world with page 21.  We also made more paper art this week, including trying to cut out a paper family!  We practiced our plural forms more as well by talking about animals from Africa, and playing a fun board game based on “Jumanji”.  We also read a few books this week, including “Unicorn and Horse”, “Opposites”, and “Giraffes Can’t Dance”.  For their homework, everyone should do pages 12 and 13 in the Student Workbook, and review it with their teachers at school next week! I had a lot of fun working with this class, and I hope to hear more great things about everyone’s progress once we start school back up next week!



今週は、ジャーナルのインスピレーションを得るためにOur World 223ページを使って、「neat(整頓されている)」「messy(ぐちゃぐちゃしている)」の状態を学校と家庭でのセッティングでの話をしました。20ページを復習し、21ページでは、世界中のペーパーアートについて詳しく学びました。今週は、紙の家族を切り取ろうとする試みを含め、より多くのペーパーアートを作成しました。アフリカの動物について話をしたり「ジュマンジ」をベースとしたボードゲームをしました。「Unicorn and Horse ユニコーンと馬」「Opposites 反対語」「Giraffes Can’t Dance キリンは踊れない」など、数冊の本も読みました。宿題は、Student Workbook 12ページと13ページをすべてをして、来週は学校で担当の先生と一緒に復習してください。このクラスはとても楽しかったです。来週学校を再開したら、みんなの様子ついてたくさん聞けることを楽しみにしています!



Advanced 1B

Thank you all for joining us during the online lessons. It was a pleasure being your teacher, and I was so glad to get the chance to meet you. This week, we began unit 2 of our textbook, All Together 2. This included studying a new grammar point. We studied “There is … under/behind/on …” For example, we said “There is a snake under the box.” This was a bit challenging, so as we continue to study it at school, I’m sure the students will get a stronger grasp of it. We also studied some new vocabulary, including “armchair, desk, and bed.” We made a map of our bedrooms, and described where things are by using sentences such as “There is a desk next to my bed” We also talked about things we wanted to try by ourselves. The students had some interesting ideas, including growing plants, driving a racecar, and making their own clothes. Thank you so much for everything. Good luck in your classes! Kori


オンラインレッスンにご参加いただきありがとうございます。皆さんの担当ができて光栄でした。皆さんとの出会いに感謝します。今週、私たちは教科書 All Together 2 のユニット2 をスタートし、新しい文法ポイントを学びました。たとえば「の下/…の後ろ/…の上」の使い方を習い、「箱の下にヘビがある」といった文を発話しました。多少難易度を感じる様子でしたので、学校でまた続けるうちに、きっと生徒たちの理解が深まるでしょう。 「肘掛け椅子、机、ベッド」などの新しい語彙も学習しました。寝室の地図を作り、「ベッドの横に机があります」といった文章を書いたり、自分でやってみたいことも話したりしました。植物を育てたり、レースカーを運転したり、自分の服を作ること、など、面白いアイデアをみんなが持っていました。今まで本当にありがとうございました。今度はクラスの中でそれぞれ頑張ってくださいね!


Advanced 2A
Hey everyone! Next week we are back at school, so we had our last online lessons this week! We had some great conversation about going back to school, before moving into some sentence building using the words “never, sometimes, usually, and always”. The students came up with their own sentences, like “I never eat peppers” and “I sometimes go to Osaka”. We then had some discussion about how to take care of our friends, before moving into some reading comprehension with a story about a group that takes care of elephants in Kenya.  It’s been a lot of fun in our online lessons, and I’m very happy with everyone’s performance! Thank you everyone, and we’ll see you at school! Ian


みなさんこんにちは!来週は学校に戻るので、今週最後のオンラインレッスンとなりました。 「never 決して、sometimes ときどき、usually たいてい、always いつも」という言葉を使って文章を作成したり、いよいよ学校に戻ることについて有意義な会話をしました。 「唐辛子は絶対食べない」「時々大阪に行く」など、自分なりの文章を発表しました。その後、ケニアで象の世話をするグループについての話を読んだり、友達のケアについて議論をしました。オンラインレッスンはとても楽しかったです。皆さんの大変頑張りました、ありがとうございます。学校でお会いしましょう!


Advanced 2B

Thank you so much for joining us during the online lessons! It was a pleasure being your teacher these past two months. This week, we started studying unit 2 of our textbook, All Together 3. This included the grammar point of superlatives. For example, “I think rugby is the most difficult sport.” We also talked about animals. We thought of animals that fit into different categories, such as dangerous, gentle, and black and white animals. We also practiced giving explanations when answering a question by giving extra details. For example, “I would rather eat strawberries. Strawberries are red and cute. Strawberries are red and I like red. So, I would rather eat strawberries.” We also practiced the long ee sound in phonics by reading a passage. After that, we did another reading about a bridge in Italy, called the Ponte Vecchio. Thank you again for joining us during the online lessons. Good luck in classes next week! Kori


オンラインレッスンにご参加いただきありがとうございます。過去2か月間、皆さんの担当ができて光栄でした。今週、教科書 All Together 3 のユニット2 の勉強を始めました。最上級の文法ポイントが含まれています。たとえば「ラグビーは最も難しいスポーツだと思います。」が一例です。動物についても話しました。危険な動物、穏やかな動物、白黒の動物など、さまざまなカテゴリの動物を考えました。また、質問に答える際にはさらに詳しく説明する練習をしました。たとえば「いちごを食べたいです。イチゴは赤くてかわいいし、赤くて、赤が好きなんです。だから、イチゴが食べたいです。」また、長母音eeをフォニックスで読んで練習しました。その後、イタリアの橋、Ponte Vecchio について読みました。オンラインレッスンにご参加いただきありがとうございます。来週からはクラスで頑張ってくださいね!