Weekly Online Lessons Feedback オンラインレッスン内容報告・学習予定

Week 1 May 7th-8th 20205月7日~8日

Kinder Course: キンダーガーデンコース



Kinder Course – K1


お帰りなさい!皆が安全で楽しいゴールデンウィークを過ごせたことを願います。またお会いできて嬉しかったです。今週は、Eeの文字を学習しました。読み書きを練習し、短いE音で始まる言葉を学びました。また、引き続き指先の運動能力アップに取り組みました。独自の三角形、ひし形を描き、xの形を作りました。数字の0の概念についても学びました。書き方を練習したり、「無」であることを理解しました。また、歯を磨いたり、運動したりするなど、自分自身を大事にする方法についても話しました。 「Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree」や「The Itsy Bitsy Spider」などの曲を歌いました。母の日クラフトも作りました。良い週末を!


Welcome back! We hope everyone had a safe and happy Golden Week. It was good to see everyone again. This week, we studied the letter Ee. We practiced reading and writing it, and learned some words that start with the short E sound. We continued to work on our motor skills. We tried drawing our own triangles, diamonds, and made x shapes. We also studied the number 0. We practiced writing it and learned that it means nothing. We also talked about ways to take care of ourselves, like brushing our teeth and exercising. We sang some songs, like “Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree,” and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” We also made a Mother’s Day craft. Have a great weekend! -Sam and Kori
















Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice, relaxed time during Golden Week. I hope everyone is safe, healthy, and ready to learn! These next two weeks are going to be a lot of fun! We’re going to study a lot of phonics, including the letters Ee, Ff and Gg. We will learn how to write the number 0. Our monthly theme is “My Body,” so we will talk about taking care of our bodies. We will also be making a craft for mother’s day. I hope you can follow along! We are also going to have some fun activities, like going to the beach, and building with paper cups. And we are going to have a “fruit barbecue.” We will also have fun building our drawing skills, by drawing a self-portrait. We look forward to seeing everyone!


Kori and Sam.




Kinder Course – K2


ゴールデンウィーク後に、またお会いできて嬉しかったです。さらに新しい友達の参加も増えてとてもうれしいです。5月に入ったことで、新しい内容に入っていきますよ。まずはさまざまなスポーツについて話しました。今月の本は「Morris the Moose」です。とても楽しい内容です。木曜日には、5までの簡単なカウントを行いました。絵も本当に上手に描けましたよ。木曜日には美しい花を作り、金曜日には可愛らしいムースと間抜けなムースを作りました。新しい友達に、みんなが質問を投げかけますが、そのやりとりを観察しているととても素晴らしいです。ロッククライミングの友人、Rockyにいくつかの素晴らしい質問をしました。いつもアクティビティをするときにみんなが家で参加するのを見れてとても楽しいです。それでは週末をお楽しみください。来週またお会いしましょう。


It was great to see everyone again after Golden Week, and we hoped everyone enjoyed their time at home.  We are also happy that we have some new friends joining us.  On Thursday we started a new month, and with that some new things to learn.  We started talking about various sports.  Our book of the month is Morris the Moose, which is a lot of fun.  Hopefully, everyone appreciates the silly premise and the silly moose.  On Thursday we did some simple counting up to 5.  Everyone did really well working on their own.  The kids also did really well with drawing. They made some beautiful flowers on Thursday, and some super cute and goofy moose on Friday.  It’s really nice to see how everyone’s questions are progressing when we meet new friends.  They had some great questions for our rock climbing friend, Rocky.  As always, it’s so much fun to see everyone join in at home when we do any of the activities and we hope to see some more.  Enjoy your weekend, we will see you all next week.  John and Mike











5月からShow and Tellを開始します。カレンダーを見て、予定されている日と月のテーマを確認してください。各々のお子様がキラキラに輝く瞬間になりますよう、我々も尽力を尽くします。




Hello everyone! We are looking forward to another great week with you guys.  We are preparing an awesome week of fun. Over the next two week we will be reviewing the short vowel sounds of a and e.  For math we will be doing counting up to 5, and taller and shorter.  Using pancake mix, eggs, milk, and a squeeze bottle we’re going to do some pancake art, hopefully it turns out like a Dvinci and not a Picasso. Sports vocabulary will be introduced and our science topic will be The Human Body. Mark your calendars because on the 12th there will be a special guest, and then on the 15th it’s Crazy Hat Day. We will also be sending a packet home that will include the monthly calendar and some optional worksheets for you to do with your kids.  We will start doing Show and Tell in May, so please look at the calendar to see what day you are scheduled for and the theme for the month.  We are really going to try to give each kid their moment to shine.  John and Mike



Kinder Course – K3


ゴールデンウィークを終えてから2日間、素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。ShowTellの開始はとても成功したと思っていますし、生徒たちのカメラ越しのパフォーマンスに大変満足です。よくやった、みんな!栄養と食に関する今月の新しいテーマが始まりました。Language Artのレッスンでは、「名詞」を定義し、さまざまなタイプの名詞を識別してから、ワークシートに取り組みました。Mathのクラスでは、100まで数えることを復習し、一の位と十の位について学びました。45の数字であった場合、一の位は5、十の位は4であることを学習していきました。これは初めてのコンセプトでした。Musicのクラスでは楽しい内容がでいっぱいでした。音を聞き、それが何の音かをあてました(例:ド、レ、ミなど)。ジャーナルでは、各自が好きな動物と食べ物を中心に進めました。フォニックスのレッスンはさまざまなブレンドサウンド(plfrsn prst)に取り組み、今週の最後はジャングルを探検するアクティビティをしました!一生懸命取り組んだ素晴らしい2日間を過ごしました。みなさん、お疲れ様でした! 


We had a great two days back after Golden Week! We were happy to start Show & Tell and are so happy with how the students performed on camera. Great job, guys! We began our new theme for the month regarding nutrition and food. During Language Arts class, we defined “noun” and students identified different types of nouns, finishing with worksheet practice. During Math class, students reviewed counting to 100 and were introduced to the concept ofthe “ones place” in larger numbers. For example, for the number 45, the five is in the ones place and the four is in the tens place. The students answered very well for their first time dealing with this concept. Music class was full of fun music and focused on students listening to and identifying specific notes (ex: do, re, mi, etc). Our journal writing centered on students’ favorite animals and food. The phonics lesson consisted of various blend sounds (pl, fr, sn pr, st), while we role played exploring the jungle for our last activity this week! Students worked hard and had a great two days back! Thank you for your hard work, everyone! – Ian and Nate














Hello everyone! Golden Week is over, and we have an exciting week coming up as we move into our new monthly theme: Nutrition! On top of our regular subjects, like reading, journals, maths, phonics, and sight words, we’ll be doing some fun food themed activities. We’ll be discussing the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables, and on Tuesday we’ll make a delicious fruit and vegetable smoothie. If you want to join in, we’ll be using bananas, spinach, and soy milk. Feel free to add any extra ingredients you want! We’ll also be drawing some fruit and vegetable still lifes, so, if you want, you can prepare your own food for your child to draw. We’re also really excited about our science class, where we’ll role play a journey inside the human body! It’s going to be a fun week, and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone there! Teacher Ian and Teacher Nate