




新学期を迎えるにあたり、ノーボーダーズのスタッフは、子どもの安全、教室の管理、社会性と情緒の発達のトレーニング、カリキュラムのトレーニングなど、さまざまな分野にわたる1週間のトレーニングに参加し、子どもたちを教育するための準備と心構えをあらためて確認しました。 トレーニング中のスタッフの写真をいくつか紹介させていただきます。




学園長 ケン・ゲール

No Borders Family,

Welcome to another exciting year at No Borders.  I am so happy to have you all back, and we have a great year ahead and many exciting events and activities planned for your children. We all here at No Borders are very proud to have your trust in caring for your children.  In preparation for this school year, No Borders staff get together for a solid week of training and development to ensure we are ready and prepared to educate your children.  Our training includes several elements, including child safety, classroom management, social and emotional development, curriculum, and much more.  I am happy to share a few pictures of the staff preparing for this year.

I look forward to seeing you when I visit the schools and feel free to say hi anytime!

Kenn Gale