Yay, today was the start of the Music Camp here at No Borders. Each day we will learn about different musical genres and have lots of fun learning and dancing. We started the day by dancing to some great tunes.



Today we started by making our own guitars that we can play. Guitars are orginally from Spain, and you can play them with your hands.

演奏できるギターも自分で作りましたよ。 ギターは、もともとスペインの楽器で手で演奏できます。

Next we learnt all about the blues, and how when we are sad we can sing the blues to make us happy again. We played a game whilst listening to some great blues bands.


どんなに悲しい時もブルースを歌えば、また元気になれます。 有名なブルースを聞きながら、体を使うゲームをやりました。

In the afternoon, we listened to some funky funk music and played 2 different games. The first was Funky Limbo whilst listening to Mr. Steel & DRSSB – Funky Limbo.


1曲目は Mr. Steel & DRSSB の Funky Limboを聞きながら Funky Limboというゲームをしました。

We finished the game by playing musical chairs. Those that were out, stayed on the dancing mat where they danced their heart out. Overall it was a great day. We wonder what fun tomorrow will bring.

最後に椅子取りゲームをして終わりました。 椅子が取れずアウトになった人はマットの上で踊らなければいけません。 とても楽しい一日でしたね。 明日は、いったいどんな楽しいことが待っているかな?