A typical Intermediate class at Takinomizu is full of fun and giggles. It’s a small class but the 3 girls are really great using English and will choose the games they like to play. Today’s game is using the Sphero ball to practice directions.


They tell each other a place on the map and then help them direct the ball using various English phrases such as “Go, left, go straight, turn left and stop.”

地図上でプログラミングボールを動かし、”Go, left, go straight, turn left and stop.”と言いながら目的地にたどり着くように頑張りました。

After that we will read a story together, we use fun phonics book which is a great reading book for our learners. It has colour coded letters to help them read the words.

その後は、fun phonicsというリーディング教材を読みました。気を付けて読む箇所に色がついている為、助けになります。

Once we have played games we can use our knowledge to write sentences, based on pictures from our books. If we don’t know how to write something we are confident enough to ask for help.


Takinomizu’s ASP class is a wonderful time for both students and teachers, we learn from each other and the laughter is super fun.
