Today was the 2nd day of the Music Camp here at No Borders. We started the day by dancing to some great tunes. This time was super fun as we pretended to be Mario.

今日は、ノーボーダーズのスプリングコース2日目でした。 まずは、誰もが知っている曲のダンスで始まりました。マリオになりきってとても盛り上がりましたよ♪

Today we are learning about Electronic music, so to start we made a turntable to mix our own tunes.


Afterwards, we used the DJ cards to mix ourselves up in an enjoyable game, lots of laughs and giggles were heard.

次にDJカードを使って、とても楽しいゲームをやりましたよ。 笑い声が絶えませんでした♪

It’s always fun to see the teachers play along and interact with the students.


In the afternoon, we played a music quiz, we had to guess which music matched the scene. It was harder than it looked. 


Overall it was another great day. We wonder what fun tomorrow will bring.

今日もとても楽しく過ごしましたよ♪ 明日は、いったいどんな楽しいことがあるかしら?