今日はノーボーダーズ豊田校のサタデーコース、Bobcat classのご紹介です!


Today we will discuss Bobcat Scouts, our Saturday class at Toyota. It’s a fun and lively class with lots of laughter and learning. The boys love to be the teacher and teach the rest of the class the dance moves.


Circle Time is a great way to practice weather, days, colours and numbers. Here a student is helping us to count the gum balls. How many can you see?

ランチタイムの後はお友達と思いっきり遊べる自由時間です。こちらの三人の男の子たちは『Careful!(気を付けて!)』、『Wait Please(ちょっとまってね!)』、『Block please(ブロックをちょうだい)』と英語でコミュニケーションを取りながら、と~っても大きなタワーを作りました!

Lunch time is a great opportunity to play with our friends and work together. These 3 boys built an amazing tower together, we could hear them working together and using some English. We heard “careful”, “wait, please” and “block, please”.

午後はみんな大好きなクラフトの時間で、今週は海の動物たちについて学んだのでOcean(海)を作りました。講師達が『what are you coloring?(何をぬってるの?)』ときいて回るとお子様達は『It’s a dolphin!(イルカだよ!)』などと答えてくれます。

In the afternoon, we love to do crafts, this week we made an ocean because we are learning about sea animals. The teachers went around and asked what are you coloring? They could answer “It’s a (sea animal)”.


最後はみんなでGoodbye Songを元気よく歌ってジャンプ!


We have a lot of fun learning all about Jimmy’s Magic House. We love to end our day singing the goodbye song and jumping super high.

Categories: 豊田校